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About the conversation timeline

What is the conversation timeline? Find out here

Written by Upinion Support
Updated over 7 years ago

This article will describe all parts that make up the conversation timeline.
Top to bottom then left to right. For information on building your conversation timeline; click here

Group Selector

This is the group selector here it will show the names of the connected group(s) for the conversation. Click this selector to change group(s) connected to the conversation. It is located in the middle at the top of the page.

Publishing, testing and settings

This section of the conversation allows you to test the timeline to ensure that the questions are structured in the way you intended. This section allows you to edit the conversation settings, these settings affect the type publishing you want for the conversation. When your conversation timeline is ready you can publish through this section as well. It is located in the middle at the top of the page.

Element Menu

This menu that allows you to drag and drop elements into the timeline. To add any element, simply drag the pink square into an available space in the timeline. This menu is located on the right side of the page.

Questions, Messages and Conditions

The main content of the timeline are the questions and messages that you add in order to create the conversation you wish to ask. Questions and messages are shown in the green speech balloon and the answers from the question will appear in the white speech balloon when provided.

To  filter who answers what questions, conditions are used. They are displayed with the type of condition (i.e. question type), the filter (i.e. the exact question) and the filter items (i.e. answer 1, answer 4, etc.). An example of a condition can be seen in the image above.

Timeline Structure

Timeline by default, sends questions, messages and conditions from top to bottom but it is possible to split the timeline into multiple subsection, the subsection on the left side will be sent before the subsections on the right side.
For tips on how to build, edit and navigate timeline, click the respective word.

Conversation Block

In the image above shows the outline of a conversation block. These are often placed under a condition and they group a set of questions and messages together.
It is possible to move, delete and duplicate a conversation block through the entire conversation.

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