Firstly to begin adding a condition, create a new or edit an existing conversation. Once viewing the conversation you can drag and drop a condition from the right side menu. Once the condition is dropped into a suitable place on the timeline you will be presented with the type of condition you wish to ask in a menu on the right side of your screen.
Now select, 'Country and language' from the menu. You should now see the options possible to select for this condition type.
It is only currently possible to attach a single language to a condition (this can be solved by stacking multiple conditions on top of one another). To select the language you wish to attach, click the circle next to the corresponding answer.ย
Once this option is selected, press the pink 'Save' button at the bottom of this menu. This will add your condition into the place within the timeline where you dragged and dropped it to and affect the elements (questions, messages and other conditions) below it.