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Answer and Question Settings

Adjust your answer and question settings to adapt to your research style

Written by Upinion Support
Updated over 7 years ago

Individual Question Settings

These settings affect how each individual question acts within a conversation and can be found at the bottom of question menu when adding/editing a question.


Sliding the randomise switch to 'On' means the answer options for selecting within your question will be in a random order for each respondent. This setting is available for Single Answer, Multiple Answer and Image Choice question types.

Time out

The Time out setting is available for all question types and it simply setting the amount of time that the respondent has to answer the given question after it has been published. 

Order priority

Order priority is an 'advanced user' setting (recommended for those with a strong knowledge of how the timeline works). The lower the number means the higher the priority. Therefore, if two questions are on the same level in the timeline then the question with the highest priority (lowest order priority number) will be received first by the respondent. The order priority number can be between 1 and 99. The default order priority is 50.

Conversation Question Settings

These settings affect how the questions act within the conversation as a whole and can be found in the settings menu located in the top right of the screen when viewing a conversation (seen in the image above).

Visible Questions and Messages

This setting affects the amount of visible questions in the respondent's mobile application conversation. If this value is set to 0, it would mean the respondent would only see the question they are answering. If set to 1, it would mean they would see the question they are answering and the previous question and the answer they provided for it.
To use this setting, check the box on the left and enter into the input field after the word 'Show', the value you wish to use.

Conversation Answer Settings

These settings affect how the answers act within the conversation as a whole and can be found in the settings menu located in the top right of the screen when viewing a conversation (seen in the image above).

Limit Answers

This setting will allow you to limit the amount of answers for the conversation that you wish to receive. This can be used if you have a fixed sample size and only want exactly that many responses to your questions.
To use this setting, check the box on the left and enter into the input field after the words 'Limit  to', the value you wish to use.

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