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All CollectionsFacebook MessengerIntegration steps
2. Generate the connection - Facebook Messenger Integration
2. Generate the connection - Facebook Messenger Integration
Written by Upinion Support
Updated over 7 years ago

For the second step of integrating Upinion to your Facebook Messenger, go over to 

1. Open the group you wish to connect to Facebook Messenger from your group list.

2. At the top of page, navigate to the tab labelled, 'Integrations'. Here, you will find all of the possibilities for integrating Upinion with external services.

3. Under the title 'Facebook', you can connect your group to Facebook Messenger. Click on the pink 'Connect' button' (seen above).

4. You will now see the Facebook Integration set-up (seen below). The first step is entering your Facebook Page Access Token. For more information on how to get the Facebook Page Access Token for your Facebook page take a look at the previous step. Once you have it, copy your token into the field and press 'Validate'. If the token is valid you will be presented with the name of the Facebook page connected to the provided token to confirm that you definitely want to integrate this one', if so, click 'Yes, integrate'. 

5. After you have confirmed the Facebook token and page, you will be provided with the necessary data which your Facebook application needs in order to connect to your Upinion group; The Callback URL and Verify Token. You can copy these data pressing the 'Copy' button next to the field. You will need to copy this field one by one. 

Copy this data into your Facebook app on, For more information on exactly how and where this data is needed go to the next step.

Click here for the next step.

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